What is Structure of the Rib Cage and Bones of the Hand Arm

            Structure of the Rib Cage 

The vertebral column that runs down your back is one of the most complex and intriguing structures in your body as provides protection for the spinal cord, supports the head, gives vertical support for your body and articulates, or forms a joint with the ribs.

There are 4 major curvatures in the vertebral column, at the top is the cervical curvature, beneath that is the thoracic curvature, then the lumbar curvature and finally the sacral curvature.

The vertebral column consists of 26 bones.  The cervical curvature has 7 individual vertebrae numbered c1 thru c7, the thoracic curvature is comprised of 12 individual vertebrae t1 thru t12, the lumbar region has 5 individual vertebrae numbered l1 thru l5 and the sacral curvature is formed by a bony structure that has 5 sacral vertebrae that are fused together to form the sacrum bone.  And beneath the sacrum is the coccyx bone which is often referred to as the tailbone and it consists of 4 coccygeal vertebrae that are fused together.

Each vertebra except c1 and c2 are separated by discs called intervertebral discs which are made of an outer fibrocartilage ring and an inner gelatinous region.  These discs act as shock absorbers and allow the vertebral column to bend.  

All vertebrae have some common characteristics in their structure.  Each vertebra has an opening called the vertebral foramen that collectively form the vertebral canal which houses the spinal cord.  Adjacent vertebra together form an invertebral foramen which provides a passageway for spinal nerves to extend out to various parts of the body

           Bones of the Hand And Arm

The upper limb or arm and hand contains 30 different bones.  The humerus is the largest and longest bone of the upper limb and it makes up the upper portion of your arm.  

At the elbow joint it has two curved surfaces.  Looking at the skeleton from the front or anterior view, when the skeleton is standing in the anatomical position, face and feet forward and palms facing forward, the outer or lateral curved surface is called the capitulum and the inner or medially curved surface is called the trochea.  The capitulum articulates or forms a joint with the radius bone and the trochea articulates with the ulna bone.

The radius and ulna are the bones that make up your forearm.  In the anatomical position the radius is located laterally or further from the trunk of the body and the ulna is located closer to the trunk of the body.  There are also 2 different joints formed between these two bones called radioulnar joints.  

One is located at the upper or proximal parts of the bones near the elbow, and it is called the proximal radioulnar joint and the second is called the distal radioulnar joint and it is near the hand.  There is also a membrane called the interosseous membrane between these bones.  It is comprised of dense fibrous tissue and it keeps the bones at a fixed distance apart and helps to shift loads or forces between the bones.  

At the distal end of the radius, near the hand, is the radiocarpal joint, which is formed between the radius, and 3 of the bones that form part of the wrist.  The scaphoid, lunate and triquetrum bones.  These 3 bones are called carpals and they form the wrist along with the pisiform, the trapezium, trapezoid, capitates, and hamate bones, giving a total of 8 carpal bones.  The distal carpals articulate with the bones of the palm, called the metacarpals.  

There are a total of 5 metacarpals, which are denoted by roman numerals 1 thru 5 with 1 located at the base of the thumb and 5 at the base of the little finger.  The bones of the fingers are called phalanges.  The thumb consists of 2 phalanges with the second thru fifth fingers having 3 phalanges each.  

The thumb, also called the pollex has a proximal phalanx of pollex near the palm and a distal phalanx of pollex away from the wrist.  Distal meaning away from the body and proximal meaning closer to the body.  The second thru fifth fingers each have a proximal phalanx, a middle phalanx and a distal phalanx.

                   Structure Of The Hip 

The pelvis is comprised of 4 bones, the sacrum, the coccyx, a right os coxae and left os coxae, which are often called the hip bones.  The left os coxae and right os coxaeare considered to be the pelvic girdle.  

The sacrum articulates or forms a joint with the coccyx bone located behind or beneath it, and with each of the hip bones forming the sacroiliac joints.  

Each of the os coxae is formed from 3 bones, the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis.  These 3 bones fuse to form an os coxae bone usually between the ages of 13 and 15.  

The right os coxae and left os coxae articulate with one another at the pubic symphysis that you see here on the skeletal model.  Each of these hip bones has a curved depression called the acetabulum that articulates with a femur bone, or the bone of the upper leg, forming a ball and socket type joint.

   What Is Statistics Math – Importance 

What is statistics?  Well, it is the science of collecting, organizing, summarizing and interpreting data. For instance, according to the U.S. Department of Health and human services website, less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day, children spend more than 7 and a half hours a day in front of a screen, for 2 to 18 year olds, 40% of their total daily calories come from added sugars and solid fats.  All of these numbers come from data and statistical analysis of this data.

And what statistics actually does is gives us, people, a way to make an informed decisions. For example, if you have ever bought something on Amazon, you probably look at the star ratings.  If you find 2 similar versions of a product you want, say a camera lens, you look at the price of each, then how many overall stars it has, then maybe the distribution of the ratings, and how many total ratings it has, and maybe read a few of the highest and lowest reviews about the lens.  

Then you are going to look at the sellers of the lens and check their ratings, and then you check out the delivery time till you have the product in your hands.  In this scenario, you would have done a very quick and informal statistical analysis.

In learning about statistics, there are some important terms to have a basic understanding of. 

An Individual also called an element is a person or object included in a study.

Variable is characteristic of the individual being measured or observed, which varies from individual to individual, so for instance, this could be occupation, income, age, education.

Observation is a value that is observed for a variable, which is also called a measurement.  And a person can actually be an observation as can a certain product or even a set period in time.  

Data is a piece of information, or pieces of information, or the values or measurements of a variable collected on individuals.  For individual 1 these would be electrician, $62,000, 41 years old, and technical school.  All of these would be observations for each of the different variables.

Data set is a collection data, so this table lists the individuals, the variables and each of the observations for each of the individuals.  This little table here would be considered a data set.

Folks, this is the first video in a series of videos I will be posting about understanding statistics.

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